Row crop
Row Crop
Row crops describe any crop that can be planted in rows wide enough to allow for agricultural machinery cultivation and/or harvesting. Such crops include but are not limited to, corn, wheat, rice, soybeans, hay, and cotton. Planting and harvesting in rows allows for more efficient use of land, resources and labor. Around the world, this increase in efficiency and utilization of resources allows for a secure and affordable food supply.

Chickpeas (Cicer arietinum), also called garbanzo beans or Bengal gram, are an annual plant of the pea family (Fabaceae). Chickpeas grow best in an area that gets 6-8 hours of sun daily. The plant grows best in fertile sandy, loam soils with good internal drainage. Good drainage is necessary because even short periods of flooded or waterlogged fields reduce growth and increase susceptibility to root and stem rots. India is the world’s number one leader in chickpea production.
Pod Shatter
Adequate moisture during the growing season is critical to ensuring a healthy crop. However, moisture can also cause yield loss through pod shatter. The intrusion of moisture from rain or dew can cause expansion and contraction of pods, weakening the overall structure. Pod Ceal® binds to a pod’s natural waxes and minimizes this expansion and contraction, helping to minimize pod shatter losses.
Pod Ceal®
Pod Ceal® is a unique formulation containing cyclohexane polymer concentrate.
Systemic Pesticide Applications
Plant health can be negatively impacted by pests in the environment in several different ways. Each of these potential pests also require their own unique solution for control. Exit ® has been purposefully formulated to be combined with pesticides that depend upon rapid uptake and translocation of the active ingredient. Pesticides such as those with systemic or translaminar activity as well as those with hormonal or plant growth regulator effects are particularly well suited for tank mixing with Exit®. The unique ability to increase the speed at which translocation occurs is what defines Exit®.
Exit® activator-adjuvant comprises a blend of premium-quality esterified seed oil with a proprietary surfactant and humectant system.
Corn (Zea mays), also called maize, is a plant of the grass family (Poaceae). The domesticated crop originated in the Americas and is one of the most widely distributed of the world’s food crops. Corn is used as livestock feed, human food, biofuel, and as raw material in industry. During peak timings in the summer, the US corn crop’s photosynthetic production outpaces the Amazon rainforest.
Residual Pesticide Applications
Environmental pests come in a wide variety of forms including, diseases, insects, invasive weeds and more. The methods for controlling these pests vary as well. Some solutions require a pesticide to remain active and in contact with the leaf surface for an extended period for best results. Nu-Film-17® is uniquely formulated to be combined with pesticides that require residual activity on the leaf or fruit surface. These include contact or ingestion-based pesticides that have direct activity on the target pests.
Nu-Film® 17
Nu-Film® 17 adjuvant is a superior deposition, sticker, and extender with non-ionic properties based on proprietary Miller technology containing Pinolene® terpene polymer.
Fruit Set
Fruit set is categorized as the critical transition period shortly after fertilization as plant processes switch over to fruit formation and growth. A successful fruit set is integral to a healthy crop at harvest. This process can be improved with the addition of Cytokin® at key timings. Cytokin® contains plant growth hormones responsible for cell division, cell enlargement, and various other plant growth functions. The nature-based plant growth regulator effects help to maximize conditions necessary for fruit set and early fruit development.
Cytokin® is a plant- based EPA registered plant growth regulator designed to increase crop production efficiency.
Systemic Pesticide Applications
Plant health can be negatively impacted by pests in the environment in several different ways. Each of these potential pests also require their own unique solution for control. Exit ® has been purposefully formulated to be combined with pesticides that depend upon rapid uptake and translocation of the active ingredient. Pesticides such as those with systemic or translaminar activity as well as those with hormonal or plant growth regulator effects are particularly well suited for tank mixing with Exit®. The unique ability to increase the speed at which translocation occurs is what defines Exit®.
Exit® activator-adjuvant comprises a blend of premium-quality esterified seed oil with a proprietary surfactant and humectant system.
Nutritional Deficiencies
Plant exudates known as carboxylates are exuded from a plant root system as a function of cell division occurring. The exudates of most significance are typically found to be deficient in the soil, leading to a tie up of key nutrients such as phosphorus, iron, calcium, manganese, and zinc in the soil. The addition of C.A.L.F.A® aids in this conversion of nutrients to plant available forms during critical growth periods, preventing deficiencies that may impact crop yield and quality.
C.A.L.F.A.® is a proprietary blend of 40% nature-based carboxylic acid solution designed to release soil nutrients into plant available forms during critical plant growth and development stages.
Cotton is a seed-hair fiber of the genus Gossypium, which belongs to the hibiscus or mallow family (Malvaceae). Cotton is one of the world’s leading agricultural crops and is plentiful and economically produced, making products created from it relatively inexpensive. Cotton is among the most popular natural fibers today and helps meet the global demand for textile fiber and a wide range of other products. India is the top producer of cotton worldwide. In the US, Texas produces the most cotton.
Boll and Square Set
Square set is categorized as the critical transition period shortly after fertilization as plant processes switch over to boll formation and growth. A successful square set is integral to a healthy cotton crop at harvest. This process can be improved with the addition of Cytokin® plant growth regulator at key timings to assist in the transition from vegetative growth into reproductive processes. Cytokin® contains plant growth hormones responsible for cell division, cell enlargement, and various other plant growth functions.
Cytokin® is a plant- based EPA registered plant growth regulator designed to increase crop production efficiency.
Systemic Pesticide Applications
Plant health can be negatively impacted by pests in the environment in several different ways. Each of these potential pests also require their own unique solution for control. Exit® has been purposefully formulated to be combined with pesticides that depend upon rapid uptake and translocation of the active ingredient. Pesticides such as those with systemic or translaminar activity as well as those with hormonal or plant growth regulator effects are particularly well suited for tank mixing with Exit®. The efficacy and consistency of plant growth regulators and desiccants has been shown to be improved with the addition of Exit® in cotton applications. The unique ability to increase the speed at which translocation occurs is what defines Exit®.
Exit® activator-adjuvant comprises a blend of premium-quality esterified seed oil with a proprietary surfactant and humectant system.
Nutritional Deficiencies
Plant exudates known as carboxylates are exuded from a plant root system as a function of cell division occurring. The exudates of most significance are typically found to be deficient in the soil, leading to a tie up of key nutrients such as phosphorus, iron, calcium, manganese, and zinc in the soil. The addition of C.A.L.F.A® aids in this conversion of nutrients to plant available forms during critical growth periods, preventing deficiencies that may impact crop yield and quality.
C.A.L.F.A.® is a proprietary blend of 40% nature-based carboxylic acid solution designed to release soil nutrients into plant available forms during critical plant growth and development stages.
Dry Beans
Dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) have historically been a staple food. They are widely consumed throughout the world and are rich in protein, fiber and various micronutrients. There are many sub-varieties, including pinto, kidney, black, white, and navy beans. US farmers plant about 1.5 million acres of dry beans a year, making the US a global leader in production with pinto beans being the highest in production volume.
Pod Shatter
Adequate moisture during the growing season is critical to ensuring a healthy crop. However, moisture can also cause yield loss through pod shatter. The intrusion of moisture from rain or dew can cause expansion and contraction of pods, weakening the overall structure. Pod Ceal® binds to a pod’s natural waxes and minimizes this expansion and contraction, helping to minimize pod shatter losses.
Pod Ceal®
Pod Ceal® is a unique formulation containing cyclohexane polymer concentrate.
Systemic Pesticide Applications
Plant health can be negatively impacted by pests in the environment in several different ways. Each of these potential pests also require their own unique solution for control. Exit ® has been purposefully formulated to be combined with pesticides that depend upon rapid uptake and translocation of the active ingredient. Pesticides such as those with systemic or translaminar activity as well as those with hormonal or plant growth regulator effects are particularly well suited for tank mixing with Exit®. The unique ability to increase the speed at which translocation occurs is what defines Exit®.
Exit® activator-adjuvant comprises a blend of premium-quality esterified seed oil with a proprietary surfactant and humectant system.
Edible Beans
Dry edible beans, or field beans, come in a wide variety of market classes, including kidney bean, navy bean, pinto bean and black bean. These beans, although differing in the size and coloring of the seed, are all just different types of a single species, Phaseolus vulgaris L. The leading states in dry bean production are North Dakota, Michigan, Nebraska, Colorado, California, and Idaho. Total US production is approximately 2 million acres.
Pod Shatter
Adequate moisture during the growing season is critical to ensuring a healthy crop. However, moisture can also cause yield loss through pod shatter. The intrusion of moisture from rain or dew can cause expansion and contraction of pods, weakening the overall structure. Pod Ceal® binds to a pod’s natural waxes and minimizes this expansion and contraction, helping to minimize pod shatter losses.
Pod Ceal®
Pod Ceal® is a unique formulation containing cyclohexane polymer concentrate.
Grain Sorghum
Worldwide, sorghum is a food grain produced for human consumption. In the US, sorghum is used primarily as a feed grain for livestock. Feed value of grain sorghum is similar to corn. Average temperatures of at least 80°F during July are needed for maximum grain sorghum yields, and day-time temperatures of at least 90°F are needed for maximum photosynthesis. Kansas is the top sorghum producer in the US.
Nutritional Deficiencies
Plant exudates known as carboxylates are exuded from a plant root system as a function of cell division occurring. The exudates of most significance are typically found to be deficient in the soil, leading to a tie up of key nutrients such as phosphorus, iron, calcium, manganese, and zinc in the soil. The addition of C.A.L.F.A® aids in this conversion of nutrients to plant available forms during critical growth periods, preventing deficiencies that may impact crop yield and quality.
C.A.L.F.A.® is a proprietary blend of 40% nature-based carboxylic acid solution designed to release soil nutrients into plant available forms during critical plant growth and development stages.
Lentil (Lens culinaris) is a small annual legume of the pea family (Fabaceae) and is grown for its edible seeds. Lentil crops are widely cultivated throughout Europe, Asia and North Africa but are seldom grown in the Western Hemisphere. Lentil grows on sparsely branched vines ranging 18-24 inches tall. Lentil is adapted to all soil types, including sand, clay and loam, if there is good internal drainage. Lentil does not tolerate flooded or waterlogged soils, and does best on deep, sandy loam soils high in phosphorus and potassium. A soil pH near 7.0 is best for lentil production.
Pod Shatter
Adequate moisture during the growing season is critical to ensuring a healthy crop. However, moisture can also cause yield loss through pod shatter. The intrusion of moisture from rain or dew can cause expansion and contraction of pods, weakening the overall structure. Pod Ceal® binds to a pod’s natural waxes and minimizes this expansion and contraction, helping to minimize pod shatter losses.
Pod Ceal®
Pod Ceal® is a unique formulation containing cyclohexane polymer concentrate.
Systemic Pesticide Applications
Plant health can be negatively impacted by pests in the environment in several different ways. Each of these potential pests also require their own unique solution for control. Exit ® has been purposefully formulated to be combined with pesticides that depend upon rapid uptake and translocation of the active ingredient. Pesticides such as those with systemic or translaminar activity as well as those with hormonal or plant growth regulator effects are particularly well suited for tank mixing with Exit®. The unique ability to increase the speed at which translocation occurs is what defines Exit®.
Exit® activator-adjuvant comprises a blend of premium-quality esterified seed oil with a proprietary surfactant and humectant system.
Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea) prefer a long, warm growing season and are typically planted from mid to late spring through mid-summer, after the threat of frost has passed. When you are growing peanuts, plant them in well-draining, sandy soil that is rich in organic matter. The peanut, an important oil and food crop, is currently grown on approximately 42 million acres worldwide. It is the third major oilseed of the world next to soybean and cotton. Peanuts are grown commercially in 13 states within the US.
Nutritional Deficiencies
Plant exudates known as carboxylates are exuded from a plant root system as a function of cell division occurring. The exudates of most significance are typically found to be deficient in the soil, leading to a tie up of key nutrients such as phosphorus, iron, calcium, manganese, and zinc in the soil. The addition of C.A.L.F.A® aids in this conversion of nutrients to plant available forms during critical growth periods, preventing deficiencies that may impact crop yield and quality.
C.A.L.F.A.® is a proprietary blend of 40% nature-based carboxylic acid solution designed to release soil nutrients into plant available forms during critical plant growth and development stages.
Systemic Pesticide Applications
Plant health can be negatively impacted by pests in the environment in several different ways. Each of these potential pests also require their own unique solution for control. Exit ® has been purposefully formulated to be combined with pesticides that depend upon rapid uptake and translocation of the active ingredient. Pesticides such as those with systemic or translaminar activity as well as those with hormonal or plant growth regulator effects are particularly well suited for tank mixing with Exit®. The unique ability to increase the speed at which translocation occurs is what defines Exit®.
Exit® activator-adjuvant comprises a blend of premium-quality esterified seed oil with a proprietary surfactant and humectant system.
Residual Pesticide Applications
Environmental pests come in a wide variety of forms including, diseases, insects, invasive weeds and more. The methods for controlling these pests vary as well. Some solutions require a pesticide to remain active and in contact with the leaf surface for an extended period for best results. Nu-Film-17® is uniquely formulated to be combined with pesticides that require residual activity on the leaf or fruit surface. These include contact or ingestion-based pesticides that have direct activity on the target pests.
Nu-Film® 17
Nu-Film® 17 adjuvant is a superior deposition, sticker, and extender with non-ionic properties based on proprietary Miller technology containing Pinolene® terpene polymer.
Micronutrient Deficiencies
During the season, the translocation and availability of key nutrients can dramatically impact the quality of harvest at the end of the growing cycle. Microplex® provides a well-rounded mix of micronutrients to address numerous plant functions occurring during critical growth stages. By delivering more than just one micronutrient, balanced interactions between nutrients within the plant are maintained and the prevention of micronutrient deficiencies can be potentially achieved.
Microplex® is an EDTA chelated blend of eight micronutrients designed for maximum plant response in foliar or soil applications.
Canola and Rapeseed are frequently confused, and the terms are often used interchangeably. Canola was produced through selective plant crossbreeding to remove two specific traits from traditional rapeseed. Canola differs in that it contains lower levels of glucosinolates and erucic acid. These two compounds are found to be detrimental to human health in higher concentrations. Thus, to be labeled canola oil for consumption, it must contain less than 30 micromoles of glucosinolates and less than 2% of erucic acid. Rapeseed oil is still used in industrial applications. Both canola and rapeseed belong to the cabbage or mustard family. The plants’ flowers both have that characteristic bright yellow color, and oil is obtained from both seeds by crushing them. Field production of rapeseed is the same as that for winter canola.
Pod Shatter
Adequate moisture during the growing season is critical to ensuring a healthy crop. However, moisture can also cause yield loss through pod shatter. The intrusion of moisture from rain or dew can cause expansion and contraction of pods, weakening the overall structure. Pod Ceal® binds to a pod’s natural waxes and minimizes this expansion and contraction, helping to minimize pod shatter losses.
Pod Ceal®
Pod Ceal® is a unique formulation containing cyclohexane polymer concentrate.
Flower production and bloom is integral to the development of a healthy crop. For a robust harvest to occur, a healthy and significant flowering must occur for fertilization. A number of key micronutrients are integral for flowering. When nutrients are not available or are deficient in the soil, this can lead to a diminished or reduced bloom. The translocation and availability of key nutrients can dramatically impact the quality of harvest at the end of the growing cycle. Millerplex® provides a balanced package of macronutrients, micronutrients , sea plant extracts, as well as our proprietary Express technology. These all combine to both supply key nutrients but also assist in enhancing the metabolism and translocation occurring within the plant.
Millerplex® 3-3-3 fertilizer is a kelp-based nutrient formula designed for soil or foliar use on crops.
Pod Fill
During pod fill, the translocation and availability of key nutrients can dramatically impact the quality of harvest at the end of the season. Millerplex® provides a balanced package of macronutrients, micronutrients , sea plant extracts, as well as our proprietary Express technology. These all combine to both supply key nutrients but also assist in enhancing the metabolism and translocation occurring within the plant.
Millerplex® 3-3-3 fertilizer is a kelp-based nutrient formula designed for soil or foliar use on crops.
Rice (Oryza sativa), is an edible starchy cereal grain in the grass plant family Poaceae. Roughly one-half of the world population, including virtually all East and Southeast Asia, depends on rice as a staple food. Approximately 95 percent of the world’s rice crop is eaten by humans. Rice is produced in a wide range of locations and under a variety of climatic conditions, from the wettest areas in the world to the driest deserts.
Pre-Emergent Herbicide Applications
Pre-emergent applications of herbicides are widely utilized in an effort to cut down on potential weed populations. These weeds can rob a crop of yield potential. Once a pre-emergent herbicide is applied to the soil, the environment naturally begins to break that chemistry down in a plethora of ways. Sustain® is recommended as a tank mix to help reduce some of these environmental effects. Environmental effects such as UV degradation and leaching of the herbicide can be reduced, thereby helping to potentially increase the effectiveness of pre-emergent herbicides applied.
Sustain® is a new, unique class of adjuvant with non-ionic properties based on Miller’s proprietary Pinolene® technology.
High Sodium Soils
High sodium soils can put a significant amount of overall stress on a plant during growth and development which can negatively impact yield. In soils where sodium and calcium are present, applications of C.A.L.F.A.® solubilize these nutrients into soluble forms of sodium carboxylate and calcium carboxylate. The root system has a strong preference for calcium carboxylate and will absorb it while pushing the soluble sodium carboxylate away. These salts are then leached out of the root zone, which can further reduce overall plant stress.
C.A.L.F.A.® is a proprietary blend of 40% nature-based carboxylic acid solution designed to release soil nutrients into plant available forms during critical plant growth and development stages.
Micronutrient Deficiencies
During the season, the translocation and availability of key nutrients can dramatically impact the quality of harvest at the end of the growing cycle. Microplex® provides a well-rounded mix of micronutrients to address numerous plant functions occurring during critical growth stages. By delivering more than just one micronutrient, balanced interactions between nutrients within the plant are maintained and the prevention of micronutrient deficiencies can be potentially achieved.
Microplex® is an EDTA chelated blend of eight micronutrients designed for maximum plant response in foliar or soil applications.