Your Trusted Partner for Exceptional Crop Production

At Miller we’ve been solving the tough problems for growers globally since 1937. Leading the way in science, experience and education, we develop products specifically engineered to deliver superior results, one crop at a time.
Miller Chemical strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries fertilizer products
Nut Fertilizer Products from Miller Chemical
Tomato growth through Miller Chemical Fertilizers
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Our Story

At Miller, we have been solving tough problems for growers globally for more than 80 years. Leading the way with science, experience and education, we develop products specifically engineered to deliver superior results, one crop at a time.


Our Message To Farmers

Our Message To Farmers

At Miller, we genuinely care about farmers and your success. By delivering consistent results and enhanced value, we can help you achieve your greatest potential, year after year.

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Industrial Vegetation Management
Turf and Ornamental
Pome Fruits
Row Crops
Stone Fruits
Tree Nuts
Tropical Fruits

Berries need full sun and well-drained soil

For nearly as long as humans have been foraging for food sources, berries have been a critical part of our diet. Today, berry crops around the world supply consumers with hundreds of different types. Berry crop farmers combine decades of experience with modern solutions to challenging problems, empowering them to bring the best possible crop to market.

berry crop management solutions

Citrus fruits need full sun and well-drained soil in order to thrive.

Originating in southeastern Asia, Citrus crops are among the oldest crops to be domesticated by humans. Now widely grown in tropical and subtropical areas around the world, multiple different citrus varieties are enjoyed by consumers. Citrus crops belong to a genus of plants belonging to the rue family (Rutaceae). Citrus plants yield pulpy fruits covered with thick skins and are typically evergreen trees or shrubs with glossy oval-shaped leaves. At various stages in their lifecycle, many species have thorns. Growers combine years of experience with new technology to utilize new citrus crop solutions to provide a nutritious and widely enjoyed crop.

citrus crop management solutions

Cucurbits need full sun and well-drained soil in order to thrive.

Cucurbit crops, or plants in the family Cucurbitaceae, consist of melons, gourds, squash and cucumbers. These crops make up one of the largest plant families of crops used for human consumption. Best suited for warm temperatures, cucurbits need full sun and well-drained soil to thrive. Combining technology and experience has allowed growers to provide the most effective cucurbit crop solutions and the highest quality crops possible.

Cucurbits crop management solutions

Grapes need full sun and well-drained soil in order to thrive.

Grapes are classified under the genus Vitis, which comprises about 60 to 80 species of vining plants in the family Vitaceae. These plants are native to the north temperate zone, including varieties that may be eaten as table fruit, dried to produce raisins, or crushed to make grape juice or wine. Grapes are grown around the globe with the top producing countries being China, United States, Italy, Spain, France, Turkey, and Argentina. Grape farming and cultivation occurs in 13 states within the US, including Arkansas, California, Georgia, Michigan, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Washington.

grape crop management solutions
Industrial Vegetation Management

The targeted control and elimination of invasive vegetation

Industrial vegetation management is the generalized term for the targeted control and elimination of invasive vegetation and/or noxious weeds in or around industrial sites. These can include, but are not limited to, areas such as power stations, pipelines, roadways, railroads, and airports. The control of vegetation in these critical sites using a targeted herbicide management program helps to improve safety, functionality, and overall site longevity.

Turf and Ornamental

The cultivation and demand of these crops consistently grows

As the drive to improve the aesthetics of lawns, landscapes and various other landscaped areas grows, the turf and ornamental industry continues to grow. The cultivation and demand of turf and ornamental crops consistently grows along with the housing market with nurseries expanding production to meet ornamental demand. Multiple studies have confirmed the positive effects of turf and ornamental cultivation and maintenance on the environment as well as the positive effects these hobbies can have on mental health. Studies have shown that well maintained turf and landscaping can increase home value by 5-15%.

Grass turf crop management solutions
Pome Fruits

Pome Fruits are fruits that have a core containing several small seeds

Pome fruits are members of the plant family Rosaceae, sub-family pomoideae. They are fruits that have a core containing several small seeds surrounded by a tough membrane.

Pome Fruits crop management solutions

Potatoes are underground tubers

Potatoes are underground tubers that grow on the roots of the plant, Solanum tuberosum. Potatoes are from the nightshade family and related to tomatoes and tobacco. Today potatoes are grown in all 50 states of the US and in about 125 countries throughout the world. In October 1995, the potato became the first vegetable to be grown in space.

Row Crops

These crops allow for agricultural machinery cultivation and/or harvesting

Row crops describe any crop that can be planted in rows wide enough to allow for agricultural machinery cultivation and/or harvesting. Such crops include but are not limited to, corn, wheat, rice, soybeans, hay, and cotton. Planting and harvesting in rows allows for more efficient use of land, resources and labor. Around the world, this increase in efficiency and utilization of resources allows for a secure and affordable food supply.

Stone Fruits

Stone Fruits have a pit or “stone” in the middle

Stone fruits get their name from the pit or “stone” in their center that is encased in a fleshy outer area. Also known as drupes, stone fruits tend to have thin skins that may be fuzzy or smooth. The pit is a large seed, and stone fruits can be either considered clingstone or freestone, depending on how easily the flesh pulls away from the seed. Most stone fruits are native to warmer climates of the world and therefore are very susceptible to injury from cold winter temperatures.

Tree Nuts

Tree Nut are nuts cultivated from trees

Tree nuts represent any of the plethora of nut varieties we enjoy daily that are cultivated from trees. These include such crops as almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, pecans, cashews, and Brazil nuts. Grown in various regions throughout the world, these crops represent staple food items in a variety of cultures and cuisines.

Tropical Fruits

Tropical fruits are grown in hot and humid regions

Tropical fruits are grown in hot and humid regions. As their name implies, many of these fruits are grown in tropical regions and are especially sensitive to cold temperatures. A large majority of tropical fruit are typically brightly colored to attract pollinators and consumers to transport seeds throughout their ecosystems.

tropical fruit crop management solutions

Vegetables are the foundation of diets around the world

Filled with essential vitamins, minerals, and other key nutritional needs, vegetables are the foundation of diets around the world. These agricultural crops help to provide food and income to the world in a wide array of colors, shapes, flavors, and growing conditions. Some cultures and regions even encourage all vegetarian diets.

vegetable crop management solutions


strawberries on the vineCucumber in the gardenWatermelon backgroundoranges on the tree

Paul Kohatsu

Strawberries, CA
Spray-Aide saves me downtime by keeping nozzles and lines clean in my conventional spray rigs. It should be a part of any good spray maintenance program.

Önder Bozkurt

Cucumbers, Turkey
I have used these fertilizers and my cucumber crops have higher quality and yield.

Ethan Myers

Watermelons, GA
I have used Reflections for a couple years as a sun shade product on watermelons. I like it because it is convenient to use. I can tank mix with fungicides and it doesn’t leave a white film residue on the melons.

Florida Citrus Distributor

Citrus, FL
“We are always looking for ways to increase yield and Cytokin has given us the ability to achieve that through a stronger fruit set.


HANOVER, PA (October 22, 2024) — Today, J.M. Huber Corporation (“Huber”) unveils its state-of-the-art, 5,800 square-foot Innovation Center, including a 1,150 square-foot greenhouse at its Miller Chemical & Fertilizer (“Miller”) facility in Hanover, Pennsylvania. Miller was acquired by Huber in 2019, forming the foundation of its Huber AgroSolutions strategic business…


Solutions Focused Blog Launched By Miller Chemical and Fertilizer, LLC

Each year, agriculturalists around the globe face a plethora of challenges. With these valued customers in mind, a new resource for education and information has been added to the Miller Chemical website. Located under the Blogs section, this new tool will dive into key topics and work to offer education…

overhead view of fields
man walking on his farm

A Message To Our Farmers