Tree Nuts
Tree Nuts
Tree nuts represent any of the plethora of nut varieties we enjoy daily that are cultivated from trees. These include such crops as almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, pecans, cashews, and Brazil nuts. Grown in various regions throughout the world, these crops represent staple food items in a variety of cultures and cuisines.

Almonds, originally native to southwestern Asia, are a member of the Rosaceae family. Preferring well-drained, deep, loamy soils, almonds can tolerate other types of soil conditions so long as it is well drained. Almond production is 100% dependent upon pollination to be successful—to the degree that adding honeybee hives to orchards has become a common practice. Though grown in seven countries, California produces approximately 80% of the world supply of almonds.
Abiotic Stress
Environmental or abiotic stress has the potential to negatively impact plant health, productivity, crop quality and yield. With the unique formulation of Fertigard™, these abiotic stressors can be mitigated via a multifaceted approach to plant health. Water retention, overall plant metabolism, as well as general plant recovery can be significantly improved with the addition of Fertigard. By managing abiotic stress effects, yield losses can be potentially minimized. Best effects are observed when applied prior to stressful conditions.
Fertigard™ 2-41-27 is a unique blend that contains soluble phosphate and phosphite for crops that experience plant stress during key physiological periods and demand superior efficiency and response.
Nut Set
Nut set is categorized as the critical transition period shortly after fertilization as plant processes switch over to nut formation and growth. A successful nut set is integral to a healthy crop at harvest. This process can be improved with the addition of Millerplex®. When nutrients are not available or are deficient in the soil, this can lead to a diminished or reduced set. The translocation and availability of key nutrients can dramatically impact the quality of harvest at the end of the growing cycle. Millerplex provides a balanced package of macronutrients, micronutrients, sea plant extracts, as well as our proprietary Express technology. These all combine to both supply key nutrients but also assist in enhancing the metabolism and translocation occurring within the plant.
Millerplex® 3-3-3 fertilizer is a kelp-based nutrient formula designed for soil or foliar use on crops.
Nut Fill
Nut Fill is an important and nutritionally taxing period within a plant. Phosphorus and potassium are critical nutrients required at this time, as they are responsible for translocation of proteins and sugars, water balance in the plant, production and utilization of ATP, root development and many other processes. The proprietary humectant system provided by Sugar Express® enables increased absorption and translocation of nutrients during this stage.
Sugar Express®
Sugar Express® 4-10-40 is a highly refined fertilizer with the appropriate ratio of phosphorus and potassium designed to be used close to harvest.
Flower production and bloom is an integral part to the development of a healthy crop. For a healthy harvest to occur, a healthy and significant flowering must occur for fertilization. A number of key micronutrients are integral for flowering. When nutrients are not available or are deficient in the soil, this can lead to a diminished or reduced bloom. ZMC Express® provides a well-rounded mix of micronutrients to address numerous plant functions occurring during bloom. By delivering more than just one micronutrient, balanced interactions between nutrients within the plant are maintained.
ZMC Express®
ZMC Express® is a chelated EDTA blend of micronutrients.
Fertility applications made post-harvest have one key objective, which is to lay the foundation for a successful season the next year. Going into dormancy, perennial crops such as almonds work to develop and store nutrients within their tissue for use the following year. Providing a healthy amount of phosphorus and potassium, Fertigard™ helps to build up nutrient storage in the wood to be available for return bud bloom the next season. This helps to rebuild nutrients that were used up over the course of the growing season.
Fertigard™ 2-41-27 is a unique blend that contains soluble phosphate and phosphite for crops that experience plant stress during key physiological periods and demand superior efficiency and response.
Hazelnuts, also called filbert, cobnut or hazel, are in the genus Corylus, which is comprised of about 15 species of shrubs and trees in the birch family (Betulaceae) and the edible nuts they produce. The plants are native to the north temperate zone. Turkey produces the most globally consumed hazelnuts. Hazelnut is a wind pollinated fruit; the pollen will then lay dormant for seven to eight months. The Willamette Valley in Oregon produces 99% of the US hazelnut crop.
Nut Set
Nut set is categorized as the critical transition period shortly after fertilization as plant processes switch over to nut formation and growth. A successful nut set is integral to a healthy crop at harvest. This process can be improved with the addition of Cytokin® at key timings. Cytokin® contains plant growth hormones responsible for cell division, cell enlargement, and various other plant growth functions. The nature-based plant growth regulator effects help to maximize conditions necessary for nut set and early development.
Cytokin® is a plant- based EPA registered plant growth regulator designed to increase crop production efficiency.
Nut Fill
Nut Fill is an important and nutritionally taxing period within a plant. Phosphorus and potassium are critical nutrients required at this time, as they are responsible for translocation of proteins and sugars, water balance in the plant, production and utilization of ATP, root development and many other processes. The proprietary humectant system provided by Sugar Express® enables increased absorption and translocation of nutrients during this stage.
Sugar Express®
Sugar Express® 4-10-40 is a highly refined fertilizer with the appropriate ratio of phosphorus and potassium designed to be used close to harvest.
Macadamia is part of the genus Macadamia, which contains four species of evergreen trees belonging to the family Proteaceae known for their richly flavored edible seeds. The trees originated in the coastal rainforests and scrubs of what is now Queensland in northeastern Australia and are grown commercially in several subtropical areas. Commonly known as macadamia nuts, the seeds are often roasted and salted or are used by bakers and chocolatiers in confections and chocolates. Australia, Hawaii, and South Africa are the top producers of macadamia.
Nut Set
Nut set is categorized as the critical transition period shortly after fertilization as plant processes switch over to nut formation and growth. A successful nut set is integral to a healthy crop at harvest. This process can be improved with the addition of Cytokin® at key timings. Cytokin® contains plant growth hormones responsible for cell division, cell enlargement, and various other plant growth functions. The nature-based plant growth regulator effects help to maximize conditions necessary for nut set and early development.
Cytokin® is a plant- based EPA registered plant growth regulator designed to increase crop production efficiency.
Flower Abortion
Flower production is an integral part to the development of a healthy crop. For a robust harvest to occur, a healthy and significant flowering is required for fertilization. Boron and zinc are critical nutrients necessary for flowering. When nutrients are not available or are deficient in the soil, the abortion of flower buds can occur as the plant tries to preserve nutrients. Boro Zinc™ supplements these critical micronutrients necessary for health and productive flowering.
Miller Boro Zinc™
Miller Boro Zinc™ 10-10 is a highly soluble specialty fertilizer.
Anthracnose is a disease caused by several similar types of fungi. This disease favors high humidity and spores can be spread by splashing water. By combining a contact residual fungicide, such as chlorothalonil, with Nu-Film-P®, the fungicide is protected and held in place with our proprietary Pinolene® technology. This soft, thin film will also help to create a physical barrier against new spores that may land.
Nu-Film® P
Nu-Film® P adjuvant is a superior deposition, spreader, and sticker with non-ionic properties based on proprietary Miller technology containing Pinolene® terpene polymer.
A member of the walnut family (Juglandaceae), Pecans are native to temperate areas of North America and are grown across the US. The US produces 80% of the pecans consumed around the world. These popular trees grow best in well-drained soils at a pH of 6-7. Pecan trees have been recorded to have lived for over 200 years.
Nut Set
Nut set is categorized as the critical transition period shortly after fertilization as plant processes switch over to nut formation and growth. A successful nut set is integral to a healthy crop at harvest. This process can be improved with the addition of Cytokin® at key timings. Cytokin® contains plant growth hormones responsible for cell division, cell enlargement, and various other plant growth functions. The nature-based plant growth regulator effects help to maximize conditions necessary for nut set and early development.
Cytokin® is a plant- based EPA registered plant growth regulator designed to increase crop production efficiency.
Residual Pesticide Applications
Environmental pests come in a wide range of forms, from diseases, to insects, to invasive weeds. The methods for controlling these pests vary as well. Some solutions require a pesticide to remain active and in contact with the leaf surface for an extended period of time for best results. Nu-Film-P® is an organic compliant adjuvant that is uniquely formulated to be combined with pesticides requiring residual activity on the leaf or fruit surface. These include contact or ingestion-based pesticides that have direct activity on the target pests.
Nu-Film® P
Nu-Film® P adjuvant is a superior deposition, spreader, and sticker with non-ionic properties based on proprietary Miller technology containing Pinolene® terpene polymer.
Systemic Pesticide Applications
Plant health can be negatively impacted by pests in the environment in several different ways. Each of these potential pests also require their own unique solution for control. Exit® has been purposefully formulated to be combined with pesticides that depend upon rapid uptake and translocation of the active ingredient. Pesticides such as those with systemic or translaminar activity as well as those with hormonal or plant growth regulator effects are particularly well suited for tank mixing with Exit®. The unique ability to increase the speed at which translocation occurs is what defines Exit®.
Exit® activator-adjuvant comprises a blend of premium-quality esterified seed oil with a proprietary surfactant and humectant system.
Pistachio (Pistacia vera) refers to a small tree of the cashew family (Anacardiaceae) and its edible seeds, grown in dry lands in warm or temperate climates. The pistachio tree is believed to be indigenous to Iran. It is widely cultivated from Afghanistan to the Mediterranean region and in California. Pistachios require long, hot, dry summers and a cool winter. California, Arizona, and New Mexico represent 100% of the US commercial pistachio production
Abiotic Stress
Environmental or abiotic stress has the potential to negatively impact plant health, productivity, crop quality and yield. With the unique formulation of Fertigard™, these abiotic stressors can be mitigated via a multifaceted approach to plant health. Water retention, overall plant metabolism, as well as general plant recovery can be significantly improved with the addition of Fertigard™. By managing abiotic stress effects, yield losses can be potentially minimized. Best effects are observed when applied prior to stressful conditions.
Fertigard™ 2-41-27 is a unique blend that contains soluble phosphate and phosphite for crops that experience plant stress during key physiological periods and demand superior efficiency and response.
Nut Fill
Nut Fill is an important and nutritionally taxing period within a plant. Phosphorus and potassium are critical nutrients required at this time, as they are responsible for translocation of proteins and sugars, water balance in the plant, production and utilization of ATP, root development and many other processes. The proprietary humectant system provided by Sugar Express® enables increased absorption and translocation of nutrients during this stage.
Sugar Express®
Sugar Express® 4-10-40 is a highly refined fertilizer with the appropriate ratio of phosphorus and potassium designed to be used close to harvest.
Systemic Pesticide Applications
Plant health can be negatively impacted by pests in the environment in several different ways. Each of these potential pests also require their own unique solution for control. Exit® has been purposefully formulated to be combined with pesticides that depend upon rapid uptake and translocation of the active ingredient. Pesticides such as those with systemic or translaminar activity as well as those with hormonal or plant growth regulator effects are particularly well suited for tank mixing with Exit®. The unique ability to increase the speed at which translocation occurs is what defines Exit®.
Exit® activator-adjuvant comprises a blend of premium-quality esterified seed oil with a proprietary surfactant and humectant system.
Fertility applications made post-harvest have one key objective, which is to lay the foundation for a successful season the next year. Going into dormancy, perennial crops such as almonds work to develop and store nutrients within their tissue for use the following year. Providing a healthy amount of phosphorus and potassium, Fertigard™ helps to build up nutrient storage in the wood to be available for return bud bloom the next season. This helps to rebuild nutrients that were used up over the course of the growing season.
Fertigard™ 2-41-27 is a unique blend that contains soluble phosphate and phosphite for crops that experience plant stress during key physiological periods and demand superior efficiency and response.
Walnut includes about 20 species of deciduous trees constituting the genus Juglans of the family Juglandaceae, native to North and South America, southern Europe, Asia and the West Indies. The trees have long leaves with five to 23 short-stalked leaflets. The male and female reproductive organs are borne in different, petal-less flower clusters on the same tree. The twigs contain a many-chambered pith. The fruit is a woody nut enclosed in a thick husk. California accounts for almost all the US walnut production.
Walnut Husk Fly
Walnut Husk Fly is a mid to late season pest. Once a host plant has been infested damage to walnuts can cause staining of nuts as well as overall decline in yield. Nu-Lure® helps to increase control of insecticides used by attracting the adults to feed on application sites.
Nu-Lure® Insect Bait is a proteinaceous liquid, derived from corn and designed for use as an attractant and bait in insecticide sprays.
Flower production and bloom is an integral part to the development of a healthy crop. For a healthy harvest to occur, a healthy and significant flowering must occur for fertilization. A number of key micronutrients are integral for flowering. When nutrients are not available or are deficient in the soil, this can lead to a diminished or reduced bloom. ZMC Express® provides a well-rounded mix of micronutrients to address numerous plant functions occurring during bloom. By delivering more than just one micronutrient, balanced interactions between nutrients within the plant are maintained.
ZMC Express®
ZMC Express® is a chelated EDTA blend of micronutrients.
Nut Fill
Nut Fill is an important and nutritionally taxing period within a plant. Phosphorus and potassium are critical nutrients required at this time, as they are responsible for translocation of proteins and sugars, water balance in the plant, production and utilization of ATP, root development and many other processes. The proprietary humectant system provided by Sugar Express® enables increased absorption and translocation of nutrients during this stage.
Sugar Express®
Sugar Express® 4-10-40 is a highly refined fertilizer with the appropriate ratio of phosphorus and potassium designed to be used close to harvest.