Droplet spread with Nu-Film-17®



Macadamia is part of the genus Macadamia, which contains four species of evergreen trees belonging to the family Proteaceae known for their richly flavored edible seeds. The trees originated in the coastal rainforests and scrubs of what is now Queensland in northeastern Australia and are grown commercially in several subtropical areas. Commonly known as macadamia nuts, the seeds are often roasted and salted or are used by bakers and chocolatiers in confections and chocolates. Australia, Hawaii, and South Africa are the top producers of macadamia.

Macadamia nuts
Nut Set
Flower Abortion
Nut Set

Nut Set

Nut set is categorized as the critical transition period shortly after fertilization as plant processes switch over to nut formation and growth. A successful nut set is integral to a healthy crop at harvest. This process can be improved with the addition of Cytokin® at key timings. Cytokin® contains plant growth hormones responsible for cell division, cell enlargement, and various other plant growth functions. The nature-based plant growth regulator effects help to maximize conditions necessary for nut set and early development.


Cytokin® is a plant- based EPA registered plant growth regulator designed to increase crop production efficiency.

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Flower Abortion

Flower Abortion

Flower production is an integral part to the development of a healthy crop. For a robust harvest to occur, a healthy and significant flowering is required for fertilization. Boron and zinc are critical nutrients necessary for flowering. When nutrients are not available or are deficient in the soil, the abortion of flower buds can occur as the plant tries to preserve nutrients. Boro Zincâ„¢ supplements these critical micronutrients necessary for health and productive flowering.

Miller Boro Zincâ„¢

Miller Boro Zincâ„¢ 10-10 is a highly soluble specialty fertilizer.

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Anthracnose is a disease caused by several similar types of fungi. This disease favors high humidity and spores can be spread by splashing water. By combining a contact residual fungicide, such as chlorothalonil, with Nu-Film-P®, the fungicide is protected and held in place with our proprietary Pinolene® technology. This soft, thin film will also help to create a physical barrier against new spores that may land.

Nu-Film® P

Nu-Film® P is a superior deposition, spreader, and sticker adjuvant with non-ionic properties based on proprietary Miller technology containing Pinolene®.

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