Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is a perennial plant of the family Bromeliaceae, popular for its edible fruit. Pineapple is native to tropical and subtropical America and has been introduced elsewhere. Pineapples are generally grouped into four types: Smooth Cayenne, Red Spanish, Queen, and Abacaxi. Pineapple is actually a collection of small berries instead of one solid fruit. Pineapple grows best in slightly acidic soil, full sun, and hot climates. Most of the US pineapple is produced in Hawaii or Puerto Rico.

Fruit Set
Fruit set is categorized as the critical transition period shortly after fertilization as plant processes switch over to fruit formation and growth. A successful fruit set is integral to a healthy crop at harvest. This process can be improved with the addition of Cytokin® at key timings. Cytokin® contains plant growth hormones responsible for cell division, cell enlargement, and various other plant growth functions. The nature-based plant growth regulator effects help to maximize conditions necessary for fruit set and early fruit development.
Cytokin® is a plant- based EPA registered plant growth regulator designed to increase crop production efficiency.
Pre-Emergent Herbicide Applications
Pre-emergent applications of herbicides are widely utilized in an effort to cut down on potential weed populations. These weeds can rob a crop of yield potential. Once a pre-emergent herbicide is applied to the soil, the environment naturally begins to break that chemistry down in a plethora of ways. Sustain® is recommended as a tank mix to help reduce some of these environmental effects. Environmental effects such as UV degradation and leaching of the herbicide can be reduced, thereby helping to potentially increase the effectiveness of pre-emergent herbicides applied.
Sustain® is a new, unique class of adjuvant with non-ionic properties based on Miller’s proprietary Pinolene® technology.
Brix Development
Uniform fruit ripening, color development, and Brix accumulation can be affected by numerous factors such as photosynthesis, leaf age, nutrient deficiencies, and disease pressure. As plants begin to senesce, or age, closer to harvest, photosynthesis and metabolism may be reduced. This can lead to uneven ripening and poor sugar development. Sugar Express® applications maximize the normal photosynthetic process which are the driver for Brix development. The accumulation of Brix earlier may improve ripening and color which is necessary for uniform quality.
Sugar Express®
Sugar Express® 4-10-40 is a highly refined fertilizer with the appropriate ratio of phosphorus and potassium designed to be used close to harvest.