Product Overview
Sugar Express® 4-10-40 is a highly refined fertilizer with the appropriate ratio of phosphorus and potassium designed to be used close to harvest. Sugar Express is a premium quality foliar fertilizer, unique in the market and exclusively offered by Miller. This water-soluble fertilizer product is designed to be used on most crops, improving plant vigor and promoting crop production through the supplementation of necessary nutrient requirements. Incorporating both macro and micronutrients, Miller’s exclusive Express Technology is designed to improve nutritional conditions necessary for peak root growth, flowering, fruit development, nutrient availability, color and ripening. This product is compatible to mix with commonly used insecticide, fungicide and miticide programs.
Sugar Express contains the following in addition to the N-P-K foundational analysis:
- Proteins in the form of amino acids
- Kelp (potassium source)
- Carbohydrates from nature-based plant sources
- Miller’s Transcuticular Delivery System® (TDS), which is designed to maximize the conditions necessary for absorption and translocation of the product into the plant with minimal loss to evaporation on the leaf surface.
- Improves deposition of applied nutrients
- Increases absorption and mobility of nutrients by 10-20%, depending upon environmental conditions
- Minimizes crystallization of fertilizer on leaf surfaces
- High quality ingredients with minimal impurities
- Plant response to fertility treatments is observed sooner than standard fertilizers
- Improves nutrient efficiency which maximizes conditions for crop production, quality and yield
- Helps improve normal photosynthetic processes which are a driving force required for brix accumulation
- Earlier brix accumulation may improve ripening and color which is necessary for uniform quality in many crops
- Has the potential to increase fruit firmness
How Does It Work?
Sugar Express® is used as a foliar application to supplement normal soil fertility during plant physiological peak demand periods. This technology utilizes the plant’s natural metabolic activity and a proprietary humectant system to significantly increase nutrient uptake and utilization efficiency compared to standard foliar fertilizers. This allows for applied product solutions to remain in a liquid form on the leaf surface for a longer period of time. Maintaining this liquid state allows for a more complete absorption of products, minimizing loss to crystallization on the leaf surface.
All within a single formulation, Sugar Express® encompasses a unique range of components required for plant development such as macronutrients, micronutrients, and key amino acids. Nutrient demand is greatest during development and reproductive stages (rooting, flowering, fruit set, crop development, and ripening). Even if your plants look healthy, hidden nutritional and abiotic stressors could be impacting crop yield and quality.
US State Registration
Registered for use in 28 states.
Click here for global registration inquiries.
- Registered
- Not Registered
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Michigan
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Oregon
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Virginia
- Washington

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